Salt Dough Decorations

Materials Needed:

  • 2 Cups of Plain Flour
  • 1 Cup of Table Salt
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • Measuring Cups
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Waxed paper sheet
  • Cookie cutters (5 cm diameter) circular or shaped
  • Rolling Pin
  • Straw
  • Board or baking tray
  • Material for making your botanical impression e.g. fresh leaves, pine cones, bark or nuts

* air dry clay also works really well and can be purchased in most craft stores. Simply follow the instructions 3-8.


  1. Put the plain flour and salt into a mixing bowl, and gradually add the water, mixing to a soft dough. This should be neither too sticky, in which case add more flour, nor too dry, in which case add more water.
  2. When mixed, remove from bowl, place on flat surface and knead for 10 minutes, or until smooth.
  3. Roll the dough out, using a rolling pin, onto a sheet of waxed paper to an approximate thickness of 6-10 mm.
  4. Lay your botanical materials on top of the dough and carefully press them down to make an impression, ensuring not to push them all the way through. Use the rolling pin to roll over flat materials, such as leaves, a few times to get a good imprint. Remove all botanical material.
  5. Use the cookie cutters to cut out shapes that encompass your impressions. Place the cut outs on a board or baking tray lined with waxed paper.
  6. Use the end of a straw to make a small hole near one edge. This will be used for hanging the decorations.
  7. Set aside to dry naturally, for about 30-48 hours. Turn occasionally to ensure even drying.
  8. Once completely dry, your created impression can be painted and a string for hanging added.